Nearshore Development

For our clients in the United States, nearshoring means working with countries like Mexico, Canada, and Puerto Rico. For those in Israel and Western Europe, nearshoring means Eastern European countries.

Smaller geographical distances and less prominent cultural barriers are some of the reasons why communication and management with nearshoring is on the whole much easier than offshoring.

Nearshore Development Benefits:

✅ Hourly rates when compared to US, offshore and nearshore typically provide the best hourly rates which makes them the most cost efficient.

✅ Time zone difference is low, which will make Agile communication and team overlap much more efficient than the offshore model

✅ Travel costs will also be lower when onsite visits are necessary.

✅ High cultural alignment and English language fluency.

Connecting teams to a shared customer view drives results.

On average, customers achieve:
25 %

Decrease in IT Costs

29 %

Faster Insights

98 %

Customers meet or exceed their ROI goals

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